Sunday, November 29, 2020

Wild birds in [ November 2020 ] Mount Abu

 I observed migratory and local birds in November 2020.

The raptors such as the eagles, buzzards, gyps vultures and falcons are observed throughout the year, but keen observation takes place from September to March.  My focus is on the warblers and flycatchers that visit our Hill station. I want to create a list of them for other bird enthusiasts.

Common Buzzard and Long-legged Buzzard Ariel attack
Common Buzzard and Long-legged Buzzard Ariel attack

The buteos I have photographed over the years here in Abu have left me in a quandary. Their varying plumage colouring and size make it difficult to pinpoint their species. If I have mislabeled any buzzards, please comment with your expert knowledge on the subject so I can rectify and keep the record straight will appreciate your suggestions.  

Appreciate the slide shows that I have prepared of the various raptors photographed in November 2020.

Common Buzzard  Nov2020 Mt Abu.m4v

Black Eagle
Black Eagle
I have observed this species over the years. I've also photographed them as records of their presence on Mount Abu. To see my snaps over the years CLICK Black Eagle

Black Eagle 22 Nov 20 Mt Abu.m4v

Cinereous Vulture
Cinereous Vulture Aegypius monachus
A lifer for me My first time observing and photographing this species here on Mount Abu.

Cinereous Vulture
Cinereous Vulture Aegypius monachus

Common Chiffchaff
Common Chiffchaff 

Common Chiffchaff
Common Chiffchaff

Common Tailorbird
Common Tailorbird 

Dusky Crag-Martin
Dusky Crag-Martin 

Dusky Crag-Martin
Dusky Crag-Martin

Eurasian Crag-Martin
Eurasian Crag-Martin

Eurasian Crag-Martin

Eurasian Griffon  - Juvenile
Eurasian Griffon Gyps fulvus   - Juvenile

Eurasian Griffon Gyps fulvus   - Juvenile
Eurasian Griffon  - Juvenile

Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Eurasian Sparrowhawk 

Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Eurasian Sparrowhawk 

Gray Wagtail
Gray Wagtail 

Greater Coucal
Greater Coucal 

Greenish Warbler
Greenish Warbler

Greenish Warbler
Greenish Warbler 

Greenish Warbler
Greenish Warbler 

Hume's Warbler
Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler
Hume's Warbler

Indian Robin
Indian Robin

Indian Silverbill
Indian Silverbill  
Indian Silverbill
Indian Silverbill 

Indian Silverbill
Indian Silverbill 

Long-legged Buzzard and Common Buzzard Ariel attack
Long-legged Buzzard and Common Buzzard Ariel attack

Long-legged Buzzard and Common Buzzard Ariel attack
Long-legged Buzzard and Common Buzzard Ariel attack

Long-legged Buzzard and Common Buzzard Ariel attack
Long-legged Buzzard and Common Buzzard Ariel attack

Long-legged Buzzard and Common Buzzard Ariel attack
Long-legged Buzzard and Common Buzzard Ariel attack

Purple Sunbird
Purple Sunbird 

Red-whiskered Bulbul
Red-whiskered Bulbul

Rufous Treepie
Rufous Treepie  

Rufous Treepie
Rufous Treepie

Shikra Mt Abu Nov 2020.m4v

Steppe Eagle
Steppe Eagle  Aquila nipalensis

Steppe Eagle  Aquila nipalensis
Steppe Eagle  Aquila nipalensis

White-eyed Buzzard
White-eyed Buzzard  Butastur teesa

White-eyed Buzzard
White-eyed Buzzard 

Yellow-throated Sparrow
Yellow-throated Sparrow   Gymnoris xanthocollis

Keep watching will be back with some more Eagles and migratory ducks shortly

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