Friday, November 13, 2020

Birds of Mount Abu October 2020

 I observed wild birds in the last week of October 2020.

The monsoon is over; the winter is setting in the night. Temperatures linger a little below 15 degrees C. Next month Abuites will welcome the onset of winter with their woollies and basking in the sun. Birding during the fag end of October was disappointing as I had hoped to see a greater number of raptors, also warblers and flycatchers were fewer in numbers. The number of migratory ducks and sandpipers has gone up and hopefully,  by December, their numbers will keep increasing. Appreciate the slide shows and photographs I'm posting.

Black Eagle
Black Eagle 

Ashy Prinia
Ashy Prinia

Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow 

Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow 

Black Eagle. Mt Abu.m4v

Black-winged Kite
Black-winged Kite 

Bonelli's Eagle
Bonelli's Eagle 

Bonelli's Eagle
Bonelli's Eagle

Brown Rock Chat
Brown Rock Chat

Brown-headed Barbet
Brown-headed Barbet

Brown-headed Barbet
Brown-headed Barbet

Brown-headed Barbet
Brown-headed Barbet 

Common Chiffchaff   Mt Abu.m4v

Common Tailorbird
Common Tailorbird

Dusky Crag-Martin
Dusky Crag-Martin 

Dusky Crag-Martin. Mt Abu.m4v

Eurasian Crag-Martin. Mt Abu.m4v

Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Eurasian Sparrowhawk 
Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Eurasian Sparrowhawk

Gray Wagtail
Gray Wagtail

Greater Coucal
Greater Coucal

Green Avadavat
Green Avadavat

Indian Pond-Heron
Indian Pond-Heron

Indian Yellow Tit
Indian Yellow Tit

Lesser Whitethroat
Lesser Whitethroat 

Lesser Whitethroat
Lesser Whitethroat 

Long-legged Buzzard  Mt Abu.m4v

Long-tailed Shrike
Long-tailed Shrike 

Purple Sunbird
Purple Sunbird 

Purple Sunbird
Purple Sunbird
Purple Sunbird
Purple Sunbird

Red-breasted Flycatcher
Red-breasted Flycatcher

Red-breasted Flycatcher

Red-breasted Flycatcher
Red-breasted Flycatcher
Red-breasted Flycatcher

Rose-ringed Parakeet -
Rose-ringed Parakeet


Sulphur-bellied Warbler
Sulphur-bellied Warble

Tawny Eagle  Mt Abu.m4v

White-throated Kingfisher Mt Abu.m4v


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