Friday, February 16, 2024

Birding in February: Mount Abu 2024.

 Witnessing Nature’s Ebb and Flow: Reflections on Birdwatching at Mount Abu

Greetings, fellow nature enthusiasts! As committed, I’m here to share the highlights of my recent birding trips, diving into the colourful avian world surrounding our lovely mountain resort Mount Abu.

Day one of February 2024 began with a mix of enthusiasm and sorrow as I set out on my birding adventure. The noticeable decline in migrating water birds over time eased the excitement of seeing them up close. I couldn’t help but remember a decade ago, when the sky was teeming with wild ducks, producing a scene that moved the spirit. However, recent years have shown a contrasting picture: declining numbers and a sense of loss.

This season, the number of winter tourists has decreased, reflecting a pattern that may repeat throughout our state of Rajasthan. The quantity of water this year, while beneficial in many respects, may have contributed to the drop. However, I have faith that bird populations will bounce back through continued conservation efforts and passing time. Hope springs eternal, and I am positive that next year will bring an abundance of bird pleasures to our sky.

As the first week of February progressed, I found myself beneath the canopy of cloudy skies, which did not bode well for birdwatchers like myself. Despite the less-than-ideal conditions, I persevered, equipped with my camera and great excitement. Even if the encounters were less than I had planned, I could gather a stunning collection of images showing both migrating marvels and our cherished local species.

I invite you to accompany me on a visual voyage across Mount Abu’s bird domain to share the beauty of nature. Let us celebrate these flying creatures’ resilience and retell our commitment to protecting their habitats for future generations. Let us all respect and conserve the enchanting biodiversity that surrounds us, since doing so ensures not just the survival of our feathery companions, but also the captivating tapestry of life that nourishes us all.

Stay tuned for more stories from the field, and until next time, keep your eyes on the skies and your hearts open to nature’s marvels!

The bird that took centre stage in the first week of Feb 2024

"Indian Pond-Heron - Ardeola grayii, a life and death struggle against being ensnared by a tossed flag into the duck pond.".
Indian Pond-Heron - Ardeola grayii 

A Heroic Story of Survival and Freedom.Mount Abu.

Indian Pond-Heron - Ardeola grayii

"Black-winged Stilt an agitated fly over a Indian Pond Heron struggle for freedom in the water below."
Black-winged Stilt - Himantopus himantopus

"Majestic Common Pochard (Aythya ferina) photographed in its natural habitat, showcasing bright plumage in a tranquil Pond backdrop."
Common Pochard - Aythya ferina 

"Majestic Common Pochard (Aythya ferina) photographed in its natural habitat, showcasing bright plumage with outstretched wings, in a tranquil Pond backdrop."
Common Pochard - Aythya ferina 

"Eurasian Coot - Fulica atra winter visitor, It is largely black except for the white bill and frontal shield, threesome  gliding gracefully in the placid Duck Pond of Mount Abu."
Eurasian Coot - Fulica atra 

"A close-up of a Eurasian Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) wading in shallow water, showing off its characteristic black plumage and red beak."
Eurasian Moorhen - Gallinula chloropus 

"An beautiful Gadwall (Mareca strepera) gliding gently on calm water, displaying its delicate plumage with subtle grey and brown tones, accented by a striking black rear end and white wing patches."
Gadwall - Mareca strepera 

"A collage of the Northern Shoveler, showcasing these large ducks gracing the Mount Abu duck pond."
Northern Shoveler - Spatula clypeata Feb 2024 Mt Abu.

Northern Pintail - Anas acuta Feb 2024 Mt Abu.mp4

"A Green Sandpiper (Tringa ochropus) is taken in standing still, along the water's edge, displaying its mottled brown plumage and distinguishing greenish-yellow legs. This attractive wading bird has a slim body and a long beak."
Green Sandpiper - Tringa ochropus

"A White-capped Bunting (Emberiza stewarti) sits on a branch, exhibiting its distinctive plumage of a white crown and chestnut body. Its beak is pointing slightly upward as it gazes into the distant."
White-capped Bunting - Emberiza stewarti 

"The green avadavat, known as the green munia (Amandava formosa), is an Estrildid finch with a green and yellow body, a vivid red beak, and black "zebra stripes" on its sides. They are indigenous to Mount Abu.The photograph depicts a bird on a forest walk."
Green Avadavat - Sporaeginthus formosus

"The green avadavat, known as the green munia (Amandava formosa), is an Estrildid finch with a green and yellow body, a vivid red beak, and black "zebra stripes" on its sides. They are indigenous to Mount Abu.The photograph depicts an immature bird on a forest walk."
Green Avadavat - Sporaeginthus formosus

While birding in Abu and hoping to observe the Green Munia, keep a lookout along the jungle pathways that lead to tiny villages and scrubby regions where these beautiful birds are frequently seen. With luck, you may come across large groups of 20 to 50 birds.

“The Ashy Drongo (Dicrurus leucophaeus) is a sleek, medium-sized bird with mostly black plumage that is distinguished by its forked tail and white vent feathers. This Ashy Drongo, taking off from winter ravaged mulberry tree branch."
Ashy Drongo - Dicrurus leucophaeus

"Ashy Prinia - Prinia socialis, perched on the garden fence with tail displaying territorial dominance."
Ashy Prinia - Prinia socialis

"A perched Ashy Prinia (Prinia socialis) rests on a worn stump, its delicate grey plumage blending in with the surroundings' subdued tones. The bird's slim body and long tail may be seen as it perches alertly."
Ashy Prinia - Prinia socialis

"Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica, winter visitor rare, seen gracing the blue sky."
Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica 

Black Redstart - Phoenicurus ochruros  Feb 2024 Mt Abu.m4v

"Brown Rock Chat (Oenanthe fusca) perched on a rock. Small, brown bird with a pale throat and distinctive markings on its wings."
Brown Rock Chat - Oenanthe fusca 

"Brown Rock Chat - Oenanthe fusca,resident,caught in flight while snapping at insects."
Brown Rock Chat - Oenanthe fusca 

"Soaring in the azure sky comes the winter visitor, the Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo). Huge raptor with large wings, fan-shaped tail, and brown plumage. The buzzard soars overhead, showcasing its remarkable wingspan against the pristine winter sky."
Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo

"Soaring in the azure sky comes the winter visitor, the Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo). Huge raptor with large wings, fan-shaped tail, and brown plumage. The buzzard soars overhead, showcasing its remarkable wingspan against the pristine winter sky."
Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo

"Male Common Rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus) perched on a branch, displaying vibrant plumage with shades of red and pink. The small bird has a distinctive cone-shaped beak, and the background features a mix of green leaves and branches, indicating a natural habitat."
Common Rosefinch - Carpodacus erythrinus

"Eurasian Crag-Martin- Ptyonoprogne rupestris, A large, compact, and powerful martin, gray-brown above, with contrasting dark "armpits."winter visitor to Mount Abu."
Eurasian Crag-Martin - Ptyonoprogne rupestris

"A Grey Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea) perches on a cable above a running stream, displaying its unique grey plumage and graceful posture."
Gray Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea

"Gray Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea, winter visitor, taking of from its perched position."
Gray Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea

"A majestic Great Egret (Ardea alba) soaring gracefully in flight against a blue sky backdrop. Its expansive wingspan and elongated neck create a striking silhouette as it glides effortlessly through the air."
Great Egret - Ardea alba

“This is a small species the Lesser Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca,with a grey back, whitish underparts, a grey head with a darker "bandit mask" through the eyes and a white throat.A common winter migrant.”
Lesser Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca

“This is a small species the Lesser Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca,with a grey back, whitish underparts, a grey head with a darker "bandit mask" through the eyes and a white throat.A common winter migrant.”
Lesser Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca

"A Long-tailed Shrike (Lanius schach) perched on a thin date palm shoot, its unique black mask and hooked bill standing out against the pale backdrop. The bird's long tail and erect stance are distinctive as it examines its surroundings."
Long-tailed Shrike - Lanius schach 

"A Long-tailed Shrike (Lanius schach) perched on a thin branch, its unique black mask and hooked bill standing out against the pale backdrop. The bird's long tail and erect stance are distinctive as it examines its surroundings."
Long-tailed Shrike - Lanius schach 

"An Oriental Turtle-Dove (Streptopelia orientalis), a rare sight, perches gracefully on a cable. Its velvety brown plumage and distinguishing patterns are evident, bringing a touch of elegance to the village environment."
Oriental Turtle-Dove - Streptopelia orientalis 

" Oriental Turtle-Doves  (Streptopelia orientalis), a rare sight, perches gracefully on a cable. Its velvety brown plumage and distinguishing patterns are evident, bringing a touch of elegance to the village environment."
Oriental Turtle-Dove - Streptopelia orientalis 

"A Peregrine Falcon (Shaheen), scientifically known as Falco peregrinus, perched on a radio tower, characterised by its sleek, grayish-brown feathers and powerful wings."
Peregrine Falcon (Shaheen) Falco peregrinus 

"Red-vented Bulbul - Pycnonotus cafer , resident, in flight showcasinf it lovely plumage and its red vent."
Red-vented Bulbul - Pycnonotus cafer 

"Red-vented Bulbul - Pycnonotus cafer .common resident taking off from a cable."
Rose-ringed Parakeet - Psittacula krameri

"A Spot-breasted Fantail (Rhipidura albogularis) perched gracefully on a branch, displaying its magnificent plumage, including a unique spotted breast. Its thin profile and elegantly fanned tail feathers enhance its appeal against the natural setting."
Spot-breasted Fantail - Rhipidura albogularis 

"Spot-breasted Fantail - Rhipidura albogularis, resident ,taking off from a branch."
Spot-breasted Fantail - Rhipidura albogularis 

Spotted Dove - Streptopelia chinensis

On February 7th, 2024, I had the privilege of attending a historic event - the inaugural Bird Festival, which was organised by the vibrant DPO Vijay Pal Singh. The lovely Mahadev Temple, which overlooks our tiny Duck Pond, provided an ideal location. As I arrived, I couldn’t help but notice the buzz of activity: automobiles lined up as people gathered for the festivities.

Despite the disturbance, I could sneak a time for birding on my way in, though I wished I had indulged more. Both Aubites and distinguished visitors attended the ceremony, which began on time. I'm delighted to share more information about this exceptional event in the coming days, including insights from the invitation and a complete programme. Remain tuned for a closer look at this intriguing topic!
MK Sirohi, Daivat Singh Accompanied by DFO Vijay Pal Singh

Mount Abu Bird Festival

Mount Abu Bird Festival Programme

Mixed Bag of avian waterfowls.

Eurasian Coot - Fulica atra

Little Cormorant - Microcarbo niger

The iron bird. Forest Department drone on the inauguration of the 1st ever Bird Festival of Mount Abu.

To view My complete collection of Mount Abu Birds click on the link below

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