Friday, December 25, 2020

Birding in the last week of the year 2020.Mount Abu

 Last week of the year 2020. 

Will do my daily birding for a short period every day in the last week of the year 2020. Christmas this year in the pandemic has restricted movement, so am content birding from home. #ATHOME is the new norm for humanity at the present time. So appreciate my bird snaps at ATHOME.

25 Dec 2020,


"Common Buzzard, perched atop a rock."
Common Buzzard   Buteo buteo

"Common Buzzard, searching for prey."
Common Buzzard   Buteo buteo

"Common Buzzard, winter visitor perched atop a tree."
Common Buzzard   Buteo buteo

"Common Buzzard, picture collage."
Common Buzzard   Buteo buteo

"Black-winged Kite, local migrant flying above"
Black-winged Kite   Elanus caeruleus

"Black-winged Kite, local migrant flying above"
Black-winged Kite   Elanus caeruleus

"Black-winged Kite, local migrant mobbing a shikra."
Black-winged Kite   Elanus caeruleus

"Eurasian Sparrowhawk, scanning for prey from above."
Eurasian Sparrowhawk   Accipiter nisus

"Hume's Warbler, winter visitor perched on a wire."
Hume's Warbler   Phylloscopus humei

"Hume's Warbler, winter visitor perched on a wire."
Hume's Warbler   Phylloscopus humei

"Indian Yellow Tit, resident perched on a wire."
Indian Yellow Tit   Machlolophus aplonotus

Keep watching will post daily 

26 Dec 2020.
"Common Myna, resident sitting on a branch."
Common Myna   Acridotheres tristis

"Long-tailed Shrike, perched on a wire."
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach

"Yellow-footed Green-Pigeon, resident a flock flying past."
Yellow-footed Green-Pigeon  Treron phoenicopterus 

"Yellow-footed Green-Pigeon, resident a flock flying past."
Yellow-footed Green-Pigeon  Treron phoenicopterus 

27 Dec 2020.

"Black Stork   Ciconia nigra RARE winter visitor, flying above."
Black Stork   Ciconia nigra
RARE winter visitor.

"Black Stork   Ciconia nigra RARE winter visitor, flying above."
Black Stork   Ciconia nigra

"Black Stork   Ciconia nigra RARE winter visitor, flying above."
Black Stork   Ciconia nigra

Black-winged Kite
Black-winged Kite   Elanus caeruleus

Black-winged Kite
Black-winged Kite   Elanus caeruleus

"Common Buzzard, WINTER VISITOR, perched on a cable on a tower."
Common Buzzard   Buteo buteo 

"Common Buzzard, sitting on a rock, looking for prey."
Common Buzzard   Buteo buteo 

"Indian Robin, resident sitting on a cable."
Indian Robin   Copsychus fulicatus

28 Dec 2020,

"Greenish Warbler, winter visitor, perched on a branch,"
Greenish Warbler   Phylloscopus trochiloides

"Indian Yellow Tit, resident regular visitor to my garden."
Indian Yellow Tit   Machlolophus aplonotus

"Indian Yellow Tit, resident regular visitor to my garden."
Indian Yellow Tit   Machlolophus aplonotus

"Indian Yellow Tit, resident regular visitor to my garden."
Indian Yellow Tit   Machlolophus aplonotus

"Indian Yellow Tit, resident regular visitor to my garden."
Indian Yellow Tit   Machlolophus aplonotus

"Red-breasted Flycatcher, winter visitor, common, perched on a branch."
Red-breasted Flycatcher   Ficedula parva

"Red-breasted Flycatcher, winter visitor, common, perched on a branch."
Red-breasted Flycatcher   Ficedula parva

"Spot-breasted Fantail, resident common, perched on a wire."
Spot-breasted Fantail  Rhipidura albogularis


  1. Replies
    1. This year have observed a few of them normally one gets to see just one or two.


Mount Abu Birds: A January Delight 2025

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