Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Birding in October: A Delightful Start to the Season

 Birding in October: A Paradise for Birdwatchers in Mount Abu

October in Mount Abu is a magical time for birding. With the monsoon season wrapping up by the end of September, the hillsides are lush and vibrant, creating the perfect backdrop for birdwatchers. The weather is superb, with cool breezes and clear skies that make birdwatching enjoyable and rewarding. From October to March, this is a prime birding season, and for enthusiasts like me, it’s the time to grab the camera and head out into the hills.

The first week of October has flown by in a flurry of feathers and excitement. While I didn’t spot the Alpine Swift this year, I’m not disheartened. Our other winter visitors have arrived, steady and sure. The sight of the Eurasian Sparrowhawk soaring overhead, the busy flitting of Greenish Warblers and Hume’s Warblers through the trees, and the grounded pipits darting across open spaces all signal the start of an exhilarating birding season.

Raptors like the Hobby and Harrier are already gracing us with their presence, and we expect the numbers of ducks to swell in the coming weeks as the migratory season peaks, even though only a few have arrived so far. It’s the perfect time to watch as Mount Abu transforms into a winter haven for these avian travellers.

To celebrate the start of this season, I’ve put together a small selection of bird photographs taken during this first week of October. I hope you enjoy this visual treat as much as I enjoyed capturing it!

Bird of the week.

Eurasian Sparrowhawk - Accipiter nisus  

Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica

Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica

Black-winged Kite - Elanus caeruleus

Black-winged Kite - Elanus caeruleus

Bonelli's Eagle - Aquila fasciata

Booted Eagle - Hieraaetus pennatus

Dusky Crag-Martin - Ptyonoprogne concolo

Eurasian Hobby - Falco subbuteo 

Eurasian Sparrowhawk - Accipiter nisus  

Gray Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea 

Gray Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea 

Greenish Warbler - Phylloscopus trochiloides 

Greenish Warbler - Phylloscopus trochiloides 

Indian Yellow Tit - Machlolophus aplonotus 

Little Swift - Apus affinis

Long-tailed Shrike - Lanius schach 

Montagu's Harrier - Circus pygargus 

Montagu's Harrier - Circus pygargus 

Montagu's Harrier - Circus pygargus 

Oriental Magpie-Robin - Copsychus saularis

Peregrine Falcon (Shaheen) Falco peregrinus

Peregrine Falcon (Shaheen) Falco peregrinus

Western House-Martin Delichon urbicum

White-throated Kingfisher - Halcyon smyrnensis

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