Tuesday, July 23, 2024

July 2024: Birding Adventures in Mt. Abu

 Garden-Yard and Hillside Birding in July 2024

July in Mt. Abu is a fascinating time for bird enthusiasts. The first two weeks offer a unique blend of anticipation and beauty, as the region prepares for the monsoon season. By the second week of July, the monsoons feel their presence. However, this year, the rains seem to take their time.

According to the Hindu calendar, the Shravan season this year begins on July 22nd. This suggests that the monsoon will become active towards the end of July, with August expected to bring the full force of the rains. These rains are crucial, as they replenish our forests and ensure that our small reservoirs overflow, providing much-needed water for the region. Mt. Abu’s water supply relies on the monsoons, making this period significant.

I expect to photograph some of Mt. Abu’s most captivating avian residents during this time. With its eye-catching black and white plumage, the Pied Cuckoo serves as a monsoon harbinger. With its melodious song, the Indian Blackbird brings a touch of serenity to the lush landscape. On my watch list are the vibrant Indian Golden Oriole, the elusive Brain-Fever Bird, and the elegant Indian Paradise Flycatcher.

Nesting activities are in full swing, too. The munia, Silver Bill, and Scaly-breasted Munia are busy building their nests, creating a bustling atmosphere in the gardens and hillsides. The delightful birding experience in Abu includes the sight of the Green Munia, a charming little bird, foraging in various parts.

As we wait for the monsoons to arrive in full force, these past weeks of July provide an excellent opportunity to observe and photograph these beautiful birds in their natural habitat. Here’s hoping for a bountiful monsoon season that brings life and vibrancy to Mt. Abu.

Bird of the Fortnight 

"Potrait shot of the White-breasted Waterhen - Amaurornis phoenicurus. Local resident."
White-breasted Waterhen - Amaurornis phoenicurus

"Bonelli's Eagle (Aquila fasciata), a majestic raptor with brown plumage, soaring in the sky. Recognizable by its distinctive white markings on wings and tail, showcasing the powerful and elegant flight of this magnificent bird of prey.Scanning for prey"
Bonelli's Eagle (Aquila fasciata)

"Bonelli's Eagle (Aquila fasciata), a majestic raptor with brown plumage, soaring in the sky. Recognizable by its distinctive white markings on wings and tail, showcasing the powerful and elegant flight of this magnificent bird of prey."
Bonelli's Eagle (Aquila fasciata)

"Brown-headed Barbet, sitting on a branch. a bird of medium size with a robust bill, a striking brown head, and brilliant green plumage. perched on a tree limb, showing off its distinctive look and vibrant characteristics."
Brown-headed Barbet - Psilopogon zeylanicus

"Brown-headed Barbet, sitting on a branch. a bird of medium size with a robust bill, a striking brown head, and brilliant green plumage. perched on a tree limb, showing off its distinctive look and vibrant characteristics."
Brown-headed Barbet - Psilopogon zeylanicus

The green avadavat, known as the green munia (Amandava formosa), is an Estrildid finch with a green and yellow body, a vivid red beak, and black "zebra stripes" on its sides. They are indigenous to Mount Abu.The photograph depicts a bird on a cable."
Green Avadavat - Sporaeginthus formosus

The green avadavat, known as the green munia (Amandava formosa), is an Estrildid finch with a green and yellow body, a vivid red beak, and black "zebra stripes" on its sides. They are indigenous to Mount Abu.The photograph depicts a bird taking off."
Green Avadavat - Sporaeginthus formosus

"Indian Silverbill (Euodice malabarica) The resident, common, has a conical silver-grey beak, buff-brown upper body, white underbody, buffy flanks, and dark wings. The tail is black, and the wings are dark, contrasting with the white rump.Pair perched on a cable"
Indian Silverbill - Euodice malabarica

"The Oriental Magpie-Robin (Copsychus saularis) is a tiny and slender passerine bird. Males are distinguished by their remarkable black and white plumage and long tail, whilst females are more subdued. Perched atop a cable."
Oriental Magpie-Robin - Copsychus saularis 

"The Oriental Magpie-Robin (Copsychus saularis) is a tiny and slender passerine bird. Males are distinguished by their remarkable black and white plumage and long tail, whilst females are more subdued. Perched atop a cable."
Oriental Magpie-Robin - Copsychus saularis 

"A Peregrine Falcon (Shaheen), scientifically known as Falco peregrinus, flying overhead, characterised by its sleek, grayish-brown feathers and powerful wings."
Peregrine Falcon (Shaheen) Falco peregrinus

"Purple Sunbird - Cinnyris asiaticus, female landing on a hibiscus flower."
Purple Sunbird - Cinnyris asiaticus 

"Red-vented Bulbul - Pycnonotus cafe. doing a jig on a cable."
Red-vented Bulbul - Pycnonotus cafe

"A tiny and agile passerine bird, the Spot-breasted Fantail (Rhipidura albogularis). The plumage is distinctively black and white, with a large patch on the breast. Perched on branch displaying open wings and its fantail."
Spot-breasted Fantail - Rhipidura albogularis

"Spot-breasted Fantail - Rhipidura albogularis, psrched on a curved branch."
Spot-breasted Fantail - Rhipidura albogularis

"White-breasted Waterhen - Amaurornis phoenicurus, bathing in the stream."
White-breasted Waterhen - Amaurornis phoenicurus

"White-breasted Waterhen - Amaurornis phoenicurus, perched on an Amaltash tree searching for grub."
White-breasted Waterhen - Amaurornis phoenicurus

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