Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Birds of Mount Abu [ August 2021.]

 Birding the last few days of August 2021.

In the last week of August, I observed a few raptors. Seeing the Eurasian Marsh-Harrier in Abu so early in the year surprised me. Heavy traffic and many tourists made it impossible for me to go to the Duck Pond. I saw other raptors like Black-winged Kites, Bonelli’s Eagles, Honey Buzzards, and Shikra instead. It elated me to see a solitary “Indian Vulture” soaring through our area. Once a common sight in the sixties and seventies today to lay eyes, one of them is watching a miracle happening. Looking forward to some rain in September, if the rainfall is an anchor of August, next year will be a trying year for us Abuites. THE BIRDS AND BEASTS WILL BE AT THE MERCY OF DRY WATER HOLES AND PARCHED STREAMS. Click on any photograph to see the expanded view. Happy viewing.

23 Aug 2021
"Eurasian Marsh-Harrier, an early visitor this year, flying near duck pond."
Eurasian Marsh-Harrier - Circus aeruginosus

"Eurasian Marsh-Harrier, an early visitor this year, flying near duck pond." A Collage of different angles.
Eurasian Marsh-Harrier - Circus aeruginosus

"Woolly-necked Stork, resident on the bank of the duck pond Achalgarh."
Woolly-necked Stork - Ciconia episcopus 

Woolly-necked Stork Slide Show 

Gadwall - Mareca strepera
A duck a solitary one at that, left me wondering how come?

Gadwall - Mareca strepera

Little Grebe
Little Grebe - Tachybaptus ruficollis 

Black-rumped Flameback
Black-rumped Flameback - Dinopium benghalense 

Dusky Crag-Martin
Dusky Crag-Martin - Ptyonoprogne concolor

Indian Silverbill
Indian Silverbill - Euodice malabarica

Indian Yellow Tit
Indian Yellow Tit - Machlolophus aplonotus

Indian Yellow Tit
Indian Yellow Tit - Machlolophus aplonotus

Indian Yellow Tit
Indian Yellow Tit - Machlolophus aplonotus

Red-rumped Swallow
Red-rumped Swallow - Cecropis daurica

Scaly-breasted Munia
Scaly-breasted Munia - Lonchura punctulata

24 August 2021

Brown-headed Barbet
Brown-headed Barbet - Psilopogon zeylanicus 

Brown-headed Barbet
Brown-headed Barbet - Psilopogon zeylanicus 

Indian Silverbill
Indian Silverbill - Euodice malabarica

Indian Silverbill
Indian Silverbill - Euodice malabarica

Indian Vulture
Indian Vulture - Gyps indicus 

Laughing Dove
Laughing Dove - Streptopelia senegalensis

Laughing Dove
Laughing Dove - Streptopelia senegalensis

Red-rumped Swallow
Red-rumped Swallow - Cecropis daurica

Red-rumped Swallow
Red-rumped Swallow - Cecropis daurica

Scaly-breasted Munia
Scaly-breasted Munia - Lonchura punctulata 

Scaly-breasted Munia
Scaly-breasted Munia - Lonchura punctulata 

Scaly-breasted Munia
Scaly-breasted Munia - Lonchura punctulata 

Spotted Dove
Spotted Dove - Streptopelia chinensis 

White-breasted Waterhen
White-breasted Waterhen - Amaurornis phoenicurus 

25 Aug 2021

Common Tailorbird
Common Tailorbird - Orthotomus sutorius 

Common Tailorbird and chicks Mount Abu August 2021.m4v

Indian Silverbill
Indian Silverbill - Euodice malabarica

Indian Silverbill
Indian Silverbill - Euodice malabarica

Indian Silverbill
Indian Silverbill - Euodice malabarica

Oriental Magpie-Robin
Oriental Magpie-Robin - Copsychus saularis

Scaly-breasted Munia
Scaly-breasted Munia - Lonchura punctulata 

Sykes's Warbler
Sykes's Warbler - Iduna rama 

Sykes's Warbler
Sykes's Warbler - Iduna rama 

26 Aug 2021

Bonelli's Eagle
Bonelli's Eagle - Aquila fasciata

Bonelli's Eagle Mount Abu Aug 2021.m4v

Brown Rock Chat
Brown Rock Chat - Oenanthe fusca 

Brown Rock Chat
Brown Rock Chat - Oenanthe fusca 

Common Tailorbird
Common Tailorbird - Orthotomus sutorius 

Indian Yellow Tit
Indian Yellow Tit - Machlolophus aplonotus

Long-tailed Shrike
Long-tailed Shrike - Lanius schach

Spot-breasted Fantail
Spot-breasted Fantail - Rhipidura albogularis 

Spot-breasted Fantail
Spot-breasted Fantail - Rhipidura albogularis 

27 Aug 2021

Black-winged Kite
Black-winged Kite - Elanus caeruleus

White-browed Wagtail
White-browed Wagtail - Motacilla maderaspatensis

White-browed Wagtail
White-browed Wagtail - Motacilla maderaspatensis

White-browed Wagtail
White-browed Wagtail - Motacilla maderaspatensis

28 Aug 2021

Brahminy Starling
Brahminy Starling - Sturnia pagodarum
The berry  seen in the bird's beak had me puzzled as to what it was
 I noticed other birds also carrying off this berry. I looked around.
and found the tree, It's the berry of the Curry lease (Kadi Patta) tree.

Indian Silverbill
Indian Silverbill - Euodice malabarica

Long-tailed Shrike
Long-tailed Shrike - Lanius schach

Long-tailed Shrike
Long-tailed Shrike - Lanius schach

Long-tailed Shrike
Long-tailed Shrike - Lanius schach

Oriental Magpie-Robin
Oriental Magpie-Robin - Copsychus saula

Red-rumped Swallow
Red-rumped Swallow - Cecropis daurica

Red-wattled Lapwing
Red-wattled Lapwing - Vanellus indicus 

Scaly-breasted Munia
Scaly-breasted Munia - Lonchura punctulata 

White-breasted Waterhen -  Sub adult
White-breasted Waterhen - Amaurornis phoenicurus Sub adult 

30 Aug 2021
Green Avadavat
Green Avadavat - Sporaeginthus formosus

Green Avadavat
Green Avadavat - Sporaeginthus formosus

Long-tailed Shrike
Long-tailed Shrike - Lanius schach 

Oriental Magpie-Robin
Oriental Magpie-Robin - Copsychus saularis

White-breasted Waterhen
White-breasted Waterhen - Amaurornis phoenicurus

31 Aug 2021

Brown Rock Chat
Brown Rock Chat - Oenanthe fusca

Brown Rock Chat
Brown Rock Chat - Oenanthe fusca

Brown Rock Chat
Brown Rock Chat - Oenanthe fusca

Pied Cuckoo
Pied Cuckoo - Clamator jacobinus

Pied Cuckoo
Pied Cuckoo - Clamator jacobinus

Spotted Dove
Spotted Dove - Streptopelia chinensis

White-breasted Waterhen
White-breasted Waterhen - Amaurornis phoenicurus

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