Thursday, September 26, 2019

Birds of Mount Abu Birds in [ September 2019 ]

Birding in September 2019. Mount Abu.

The retreating monsoons by mid-September usually peter off, This year it's been lingering on and we are still being blessed with heavy showers off and on. Our winter migrants have made their appearance. Greenish warblers, Red-breasted flycatchers, Gray wagtails, the Eurasian Hobby and Harriers have already been recorded by me here in Abu. Click on any photograph to see the expanded view. Happy viewing. Click on any photograph to see the expanded view. Happy viewing.

22 and 23 September 2019.

Grey-breasted Prinia - Prinia hodgsoni

Grey-breasted Prinia - Prinia hodgsoni

Red-breasted Flycatcher - Ficedula parva 

Red-breasted Flycatcher - Ficedula parva 

Spot-breasted Fantail - Rhipidura albogularis

White-breasted Waterhen - Amaurornis phoenicurus - juvenile

Yellow-eyed Babbler - Chrysomma sinense 

Yellow-eyed Babbler - Chrysomma sinense 

Yellow-eyed Babbler - Chrysomma sinense 

24 September 2019.

I was lucky to record the Pallid Harrier, the Eurasian Hobby, and the Barn Swallow (A lifer for me) today.
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 

Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 

Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 

Eurasian Hobby - Falco subbuteo 

Eurasian Hobby - Falco subbuteo 

Eurasian Hobby - Falco subbuteo 

Scaly-breasted Munia - Lonchura punctulata

Scaly-breasted Munia - Lonchura punctulata

Scaly-breasted Munia - Lonchura punctulata

Scaly breasted Munia - Lonchura punctulata

25 September 2019

Brahminy Starling - Sturnia pagodarum

Gray Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea

Green Avadavat - Sporaeginthus formosus 

Green Avadavat - Sporaeginthus formosus 

Green Avadavat - Sporaeginthus formosus 

Green Avadavat - Sporaeginthus formosus 

Green Avadavat - Sporaeginthus formosus 

Indian Paradise-Flycatcher - Terpsiphone paradisi

Indian Paradise-Flycatcher - Terpsiphone paradisi

Indian Paradise-Flycatcher - Terpsiphone paradisi

Jungle Babbler - Turdoides striata 

Pallid Harrier - Circus macrourus 

Pallid Harrier - Circus macrourus 

Pallid Harrier - Circus macrourus 

Scaly-breasted Munia - Lonchura punctulata 

27 September 2019.
The retreating monsoon gave us our final few life-sustaining heavy showers. Today birding under overcast skies was thrilling as I bagged 3 hobbies and managed some other species. Hopefully, in the next few days, get clearer pictures with clear skies. 

Eurasian Hobby - Falco subbuteo 

Eurasian Hobby - Falco subbuteo 

Eurasian Hobby - Falco subbuteo 

Eurasian Hobby - Falco subbuteo 

Gray Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea 

Gray Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea 

Grey-breasted Prinia - Prinia hodgsonii

29 September 2019.

The skies are still overcast. Hopefully, it clears in the next few days. 

Lesser Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca 

Lesser Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca 

Lesser Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca 

Lesser Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca

Rufous Treepie - Dendrocitta vagabunda

White-breasted Waterhen - Amaurornis phoenicurus 

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