Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Eurasian Hobby Birds of Mount Abu October 2018.

Eurasian Hobby

8 October 2018

"Eurasian Hobby Falco subbuteo subbuteo   - In flight from below."
Eurasian Hobby Falco subbuteo subbuteo   - In flight from below

A lifer for me, probably the first photographic record of this species here in Mount Abu.
 I recorded this bird for the first time on 8 October 2018 and subsequently followed up.

Eurasian Hobby I had seen and snapped this bird earlier, but the snaps were not too clear due to cloudy conditions. I have records of these birds on 8/10/18,13/10/18,15/10/18,18/10/18 and 20/10/18, Winter visitors. Recorded at Uttarayan Mt Abu in 1992 and orally at Trevor Tank and Sunset Point in the winter of 2001– 2002 (Shantanu Kumar, verbally.) 
Butler (1875) found it “tolerably common at Mount Abu at the end of rains and during cold weather

Eurasian Hobby Recorded during the month of October 2018.

While going through my photographs looking for records of the Sheshan Falcon I ran across this snap and on examining it carefully realized that I had evidently snapped the Hobby earlier and skipped it thinking it was the falcon. So I guess this species is a regular post-monsoon winter visitor.

Eurasian Hobby Falco subbuteo  - In flight from below
(26 September 2016 at 17:31 pm )

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