Birding During the Last Week of November 2024: A Quiet Affair
In Mount Abu’s peaceful hills, the last week of November sees increased bird activity from migrating species travelling south. In contrast to previous years, this year’s experience was low-key. While I had hoped to encounter a diverse array of warblers, raptors, buntings, and pipits, the numbers fell short of expectations.
A Week of Contrasts
The weather couldn’t have been more inviting. Clear skies, mild temperatures, and golden sunlight bathing the hills filled the day. Nighttime lows ranged from 0°C to 5°C, signalling winter’s approach. With the festive Diwali rush fading, Mount Abu embraced a tranquil lull, broken only by the usual weekend crowds every hill station welcomes.
Birding Highlights
Despite their scarcity, I captured a delightful, albeit small, selection of birds. These feathered companions offered solace, proving that even a quieter week can yield moments of joy for a patient birder.
Looking Ahead
I hope to see water birds, raptors, and a few elusive buntings as December rolls in. The exciting prospect of the coming weeks is the expected influx of winter visitors to the now-replenished lakes and streams.
For the time being, take pleasure in the photographs of this serene birding week. Every sighting, after all, is a story waiting to be told—and sometimes, nature’s silence speaks volumes.
Bird of the week.
Long-tailed Shrike - Lanius schach |
Long-tailed Shrike - Lanius schach Mt Abu Nov 2024.m4v
Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo |
Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo Winter visitor Mt Abu Dec 2024.mp4
Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica winter visitor |
Cattle Egret - Bubulcus ibis |
Common Rosefinch - Carpodacus erythrinus |
Dusky Crag-Martin - Ptyonoprogne concolor |
Eurasian Sparrowhawk - Accipiter nisus |
Greenish Warbler - Phylloscopus trochiloides |
Greenish Warbler - Phylloscopus trochiloides |
Greenish Warbler - Phylloscopus trochiloides |
House Sparrow - Passer domesticus |
Indian Robin - Copsychus fulicatus |
Indian Yellow Tit - Machlolophus aplonotus Mt Abu Nov 2024.m4v
Oriental Magpie-Robin - Copsychus saularis |
Purple Sunbird - Cinnyris asiaticus |
Purple Sunbird - Cinnyris asiaticus Mt Abu Nov 202 |
Rose-ringed Parakeet - Psittacula krameri |
Rufous Treepie - Dendrocitta vagabunda |
Rufous Treepie - Dendrocitta vagabunda |