Friday, October 29, 2021

Birding in October 2021.Mount Abu

 Review of Migratory Birds, Third week of October 2021.

I had expected to see more warblers and flycatchers land up, but their absence so far has been disappointing. The green warblers, Hume’s warblers, Blyth’s Reed Warbler, and the Red-breasted flycatcher are here. A few ducks such as the Northern Shoveler, Northern Pintail, Green-winged Teal, and Gadwal, are here. Their numbers will swell in the coming months when the level of the water goes down and food will be available in plenty. This year, the number of Black-winged kites has gone up. Appreciate my observations of Mount Abu’s wild and migratory birds.
15 Oct 2021.

Black-winged Kite
Black-winged Kite - Elanus caeruleus

Common House-Martin
Common House-Martin - Delichon urbicum

This species of Martins seen here are apparently out of their range.
It definitely makes them 
RARE to be seen here.

Egyptian Vulture
Egyptian Vulture - Neophron percnopterus

Egyptian Vulture
Egyptian Vulture - Neophron percnopterus

Gadwall - Mareca strepera

Gray Wagtail
Gray Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea 

Gray-breasted Prinia
Gray-breasted Prinia - Prinia hodgsonii 

Gray-breasted Prinia Juvenile
Grey-breasted Prinia - Prinia hodgsonii juvenile

Greenish Warbler
Greenish Warbler - Phylloscopus trochiloides

Little Cormorant
Little Cormorant - Microcarbo niger

Little Grebe
Little Grebe - Tachybaptus ruficollis 

Rufous Treepie
Rufous Treepie - Dendrocitta vagabunda 

Scaly-breasted Munia
Scaly-breasted Munia - Lonchura punctulata

Shikra - Accipiter badius

Spot-breasted Fantail
Spot-breasted Fantail - Rhipidura albogularis

Spot-breasted Fantail
Spot-breasted Fantail - Rhipidura albogularis

16 Oct 2021.

Black Redstart
Black Redstart - Phoenicurus ochruros

Black Redstart
Black Redstart - Phoenicurus ochruros

Black-winged Kite
Black-winged Kite - Elanus caeruleus

Blyth's Reed Warbler
Blyth's Reed Warbler - Acrocephalus dumetorum

Blyth's Reed Warbler
Blyth's Reed Warbler - Acrocephalus dumetorum

Blyth's Reed Warbler
Blyth's Reed Warbler - Acrocephalus dumetorum

Common House-Martin
Common House-Martin - Delichon urbicum

Common Tailorbird
Common Tailorbird - Orthotomus sutorius

Common Tailorbird
Common Tailorbird - Orthotomus sutorius

Gray Wagtail
Gray Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea

Gray Wagtail
Gray Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea

Lesser Whitethroat
Lesser Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca 

Lesser Whitethroat
Lesser Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca 

Oriental Magpie-Robin
Oriental Magpie-Robin - Copsychus saularis

White-breasted Waterhen
White-breasted Waterhen - Amaurornis phoenicurus 

17 Oct 2021.
Black-rumped Flameback
Black-rumped Flameback - Dinopium benghalense 

Black-winged Kite
Black-winged Kite - Elanus caeruleus 

Bonelli's Eagle
Bonelli's Eagle - Aquila fasciata

Greenish Warbler
Greenish Warbler - Phylloscopus trochiloides 

Long-tailed Shrike
Long-tailed Shrike - Lanius schach 

Spot-breasted Fantail
Spot-breasted Fantail - Rhipidura albogularis  

18 Oct 2021.
Black-winged Stilt
Black-winged Stilt - Himantopus himantopus

Black-winged Stilt
Black-winged Stilt - Himantopus himantopus

Common Buzzard
Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo 

Common Buzzard
Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo 

Common Buzzard
Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo 

Common Buzzard
Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo 

Migratory ducks
Migratory ducks 

Migratory ducks
Migratory ducks 

Gadwall - Mareca strepera 

Little Cormorant
Little Cormorant - Microcarbo niger

Little Grebe
Little Grebe - Tachybaptus ruficollis

Long-tailed Shrike
Long-tailed Shrike - Lanius schach 

Long-tailed Shrike
Long-tailed Shrike - Lanius schach 

Northern Pintail
Northern Pintail - Anas acuta

Oriental Turtle-Dove
Oriental Turtle-Dove - Streptopelia orientalis
Wonderful to see one of these here. Few make it up the hill
Oriental Turtle-Dove
Oriental Turtle-Dove - Streptopelia orientalis

19 Oct 2021.
Gray Wagtail
Gray Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea

Green Bee-eater
Green Bee-eater - Merops orientalis

Green Bee-eater
Green Bee-eater - Merops orientalis

Green Bee-eater
Green Bee-eater - Merops orientalis

Greenish Warbler
Greenish Warbler - Phylloscopus trochiloides 

Hume's Warbler
Hume's Warbler - Phylloscopus humei

Hume's Warbler
Hume's Warbler - Phylloscopus humei

Hume's Warbler
Hume's Warbler - Phylloscopus humei

Oriental Magpie-Robin
Oriental Magpie-Robin - Copsychus saularis

Rose-ringed Parakeet
Rose-ringed Parakeet - Psittacula krameri  

Yellow-throated Sparrow
Yellow-throated Sparrow - Gymnoris xanthocollis 

Yellow-throated Sparrow - Gymnoris xanthocollis
Yellow-throated Sparrow - Gymnoris xanthocollis 

Yellow-throated Sparrow
Yellow-throated Sparrow - Gymnoris xanthocollis 

20 Oct 23021.

Brown Rock Chat
Brown Rock Chat - Oenanthe fusca 

Common Buzzard
Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo

Common Buzzard
Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo

Gray-breasted Prinia
Gray-breasted Prinia - Prinia hodgsonii 

Brown Rock Chat
Brown Rock Chat - Oenanthe fusca

Purple Sunbird
Purple Sunbird - Cinnyris asiaticus 

Purple Sunbird
Purple Sunbird - Cinnyris asiaticus 

Red-vented Bulbul
Red-vented Bulbul - Pycnonotus cafer
The Bulbul feasts on these Yellow Trumpet flowers

Red-vented Bulbul
Red-vented Bulbul - Pycnonotus cafer

Scaly-breasted Munia
Scaly-breasted Munia - Lonchura punctulata

Scaly-breasted Munia
Scaly-breasted Munia - Lonchura punctulata

Shikra - Accipiter badius 

Shikra - Accipiter badius 

21 Oct 2021.

Asian Koel
Asian Koel - Eudynamys scolopaceus
I wish I had got a clearer shot. These birds are common down in the plains.
Here in Abu, it's a treat to spot them. 

Black-winged Kite
Black-winged Kite - Elanus caeruleus

Black-winged Kite
Black-winged Kite - Elanus caeruleus

Brahminy Starling -  Sub Adult
Brahminy Starling - Sturnia pagodarum  Sub Adult

Brahminy Starling - Sub Adult
Brahminy Starling - Sturnia pagodarum

Common House-Martin
Common House-Martin - Delichon urbicum

This species of house martin seems way out of its range, I have recorded them before. I wonder if the Eurasian Hobby preys on them. Have observed hobbies with prey probably the swallows and martins that are here.
Common House-Martin
Common House-Martin - Delichon urbicum

ID required
ID required 

ID required
ID required 

Indian Robin
Indian Robin - Copsychus fulicatus

Oriental Magpie-Robin
Oriental Magpie-Robin - Copsychus saularis 

Spot-breasted Fantail
Spot-breasted Fantail - Rhipidura albogularis

Spot-breasted Fantail
Spot-breasted Fantail - Rhipidura albogularis

White-throated Kingfisher
White-throated Kingfisher - Halcyon smyrnensis

White-throated Kingfisher
White-throated Kingfisher - Halcyon smyrnensis

Mount Abu Birds: A January Delight 2025

Join me on my January birding exploits. The third week of January 2025 has flown by, leaving behind a treasure trove of delightful memories ...