Saturday, January 28, 2017

Photo Galleries Pariej wetlands My personal thoughts

Pariej wetlands in Kheda district, Gujarat

Let's explore the Pariej wetlands in the Kheda district, heard about it through a school mate Eddie for the first time. I had never heard of this name before nor read any reviews about this birding site. Eddie said he had been there and claimed it was a paradise. Having visited a few other well-known places in Gujarat along with Eddie, I knew it was now time to explore this relatively unknown remote area.
We left for Pariej on 17 January 2017. I'm glad and fortunate to have visited this birding nirvana. This place is so rich with avifauna that it delights the onlooker. We hired a guide, Vishal, who is a nature lover and has a good understanding of the birds in this area and knows what his fellow birders are enthusiastic to see. The terrain is flat and has extensive fields. Everywhere we saw birds and local folks planting paddy saplings. One can photograph the birds at one's leisure from the comfort of the car. There are some places when one has to leave the comfort of the four wheels and trod the beaten path on leg eleven. The variety of different species found here is outstanding. I will definitely give this place another visit and satisfy my hunger for snapping some of those elusive species we missed on our former visit. Serious birders who haven't been to this area should give it a GO! Giving this place a visit won't leave you disappointed.

Photographed these birds at the start of our venture, Vaso Village

Taken while driving along the water channel

"Snaps were taken while driving towards a place called Naradar.collage;"
I took snaps while driving towards a place called Naradar

In the fields on either side of the road 
On our way to Pariej Lake in a water body outside 

At the Pariej Lake

Pariej Lake Garden and surrounding area

On our way back home.

The icing on our trip.

Vishal took a recent photograph near his village, Vaso Kheda.

Before I close this post, I would like to thank Vishal, our guide, for his wonderful service.
Also, thank Vipul for arranging the cab from Ahmedabad for our Kheda trip. 
If anyone wants to get in touch with them, you may do so
Vishal 9428564455
Vipul 9825013833.

Photo Galleries Pareij wetlands continuation Few more birds

Pareij wetlands continuation Few more birds

Hope to put up the last of the birds from this exceptional area. Probably make another trip or two to get the birds that were out of reach and a few elusive ones in the marsh areas.

Red Avadavat Amandava amandava amandava   - Male
(My first)
Red Avadavat Amandava amandava amandava   - Female
(My first)
 Red-headed Bunting Emberiza bruniceps   - Male 
(My first)

Red-headed Bunting Emberiza bruniceps   - Male 

Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea   - In flight

Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea   - In flight

Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea   - In flight

Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea 

Ruff Philomachus pugnax 

Ruff Philomachus pugnax 

Rufous-tailed Lark Ammomanes phoenicura phoenicura 

Sarus Crane Grus antigone  

Sarus Crane Grus antigone   - A pair

Sarus Crane Grus Antigone - Family Group

Sarus Crane Grus antigone   - juvenile 

Sarus Crane Grus antigone   - A pair

Siberian Stonechat Saxicola maurus   - Male 

Siberian Stonechat Saxicola maurus   - Female

Spot-billed Duck Anas poecilorhyncha poecilorhyncha 

Spotted Owlet Athene brama indica    

Spotted Owlet Athene brama indica    

Western Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus   -  in flight from below 
(My first)

Western Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus   - in flight from below

 White-tailed Lapwing Vanellus leucurus 

Wire-tailed Swallow Hirundo smithii filifera   - Adult

Woolly-necked Stork Ciconia episcopus neglecta   - In flight from below 

Yellow Bittern Ixobrychus sinensis
(My first)

Yellow Bittern Ixobrychus sinensis

To be concluded. 

Friday, January 27, 2017

Photo Galleries Pareij wetlands continuation some more birds

Pareij wetlands in Gujarat.

I'm back with some more birds from this wetland in Gujarat.

Indian Spotted Eagle    - In flight from below
Indian Spotted Eagle Clanga hastata   - In flight from below 
Indian Spotted Eagle - landing
Indian Spotted Eagle Clanga hastata   - In flight from below 

Indian Spotted Eagle  - In flight from below
Indian Spotted Eagle Clanga hastata   - In flight from below 

Indian Spotted Eagle   - In flight
Indian Spotted Eagle Clanga hastata   - In flight from below 

Indian Spotted Eagle   - In flight
Indian Spotted Eagle Clanga hastata   - In flight 

Indian Spotted Eagle on post
Indian Spotted Eagle Clanga hastata   

sabelline Shrike
Isabelline Shrike Lanius isabellinus  

Isabelline Shrike
Isabelline Shrike Lanius isabellinus  

Little Cormorant   - Sunbathing
Little Cormorant Microcarbo niger   - Sunbathing

Little Cormorant   - Sunbathing
Little Cormorant Microcarbo niger   - Sunbathing

Little Pratincole
Little Pratincole Glareola lactea 

Little Pratincole   - taking off
Little Pratincole Glareola lactea   - taking off 

Mixed bath of Sarus and demoiselle cranes
Mixed bath of Sarus and demoiselle cranes 

Oriental Darter
Oriental Darter Anhinga melanogaster 

Paddyfield Pipit
 Paddyfield Pipit Anthus rufulus  

Purple Heron
 Purple Heron Ardea purpurea manilensis   

Purple Heron
 Purple Heron Ardea purpurea manilensis   

Purple Heron
 Purple Heron Ardea purpurea manilensis   

Purple Swamphen Adult
Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio poliocephalus   

Purple Swamphen
Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio poliocephalus   

Purple Swamphen - Juvenile
Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio poliocephalus   - Juvenile

To be continued keep watching.

Mount Abu Birds: A January Delight 2025

Join me on my January birding exploits. The third week of January 2025 has flown by, leaving behind a treasure trove of delightful memories ...